We are pleased that you have shown interest in working with ProMed Assistance Group as an independent contractor. We not only look for the clinically strong; we also strive to match the personality of the anesthesia department with the personality of the CRNA/independent Contractor.

We accept the challenge that we must earn your business. We will work together to supply your needs; we will never take for granted the fact that you allowed our firm to be a part of the search process.

Welcome to ProMed Assistance Group We are honored that you have chosen ProMed Assistance Group
We believe you will notice a pleasant difference at ProMed Assistance Group as our perception of the medical placement business, whether temporary or permanent, is dissimilar from the placement industry’s perception. First, we are not a sales group. Most of the placement industry is totally sales driven. We are a company that works to find positions for CRNAs to bring together a maximum clinical force matching the needs and personality of the facility with your personality and clinical skills: not just offering you anything and hoping that you will go. Secondly, because there are so many needs in the medical industry, especially in the local hospital setting, there is a call for a company the Patient Care Factor as its primary ingredient. At ProMed Assistance Group this is our ultimate goal.
You are in a good hands....
What We Do
An overwhelming number of placement agencies in America are either client or candidate driven, whoever pays the bill. At ProMed Assistance Group, we are Patient Driven. Since the patient eventually pays the bill, they should have the CRNA that is best suited for their needs. We know that when we work to make a placement with the patient in mind, we have our sights on the right target.
View moreSince turnover plays a big part in the lack of quality patient care in America, we strive to fill even temporary positions with the right personnel. We fill the needs of the existing staff by looking for the CRNAs that are not only clinically strong, as pivotal as that is, but also the most appropriate because of personality and work ethics. At ProMed Assistance Group we believe you will also notice a pleasant difference in our attitude. We commit to you, the CRNA, our best efforts to make the relationship with ProMed Assistance Group a most pleasant one. We know you have many agencies to choose from, but the fact that you have chosen to work with our medical search firm means added commitment to Quality Patient Care. We will put forth our maximum efforts on your behalf to offer you the positions that fit your criteria.
Yes, you will like the ProMed Assistance Group difference.

Our Mission

At ProMed Assistance Group, delivering GREAT service is of the utmost importance to us-and we are working very hard to live it every day. We value EACH of you as our clients. As a result, we commit to:
- Be considerate to you and your needs
- Commit to you our best effort
- Do things better and doing it as quickly attention to the small things before they get big
- Say “Thank You” in words, actions, and attitudes
- Always do what is right
We practice a strong work ethic.