ProMed Assistance Group

We know you may have questions so we compiled the most Frequently Asked Questions that we get below. If your questions are not answered here, head over to our contact page and send us a message.

11. How Much Can I Expect to Work?
The answer to this question is totally up to you. This will depend on your willingness to get a license, the locations you are willing to travel to, and your skill levels. In general, how much do you want to work?
22. How much will I make?
Again, this is up to you. How Flexible are you? How many license are you willing to get? Are you ready with very short notice? In other words, it is up to you in most cases.
33. Who pays for My Malpractice?
We do offer Malpractice and welcome the Certified Registered Nurse of Anesthesia to work as an independent contractor, through our company, that do not have their own Malpractice Policy. The cost for the insurance is deducted from the hourly rate you are paid. Many CRNAs do not want to get their own insurance and for those CRNAs we also say WELCOME TO ProMed Assistance Group!

Having your insurance:
$90.00 hourly rate
X40 hrs./min
You cover

ProMed Assistance Group
Providing Insurance:
$82.00 hourly rate
X40 hrs./ min
We Cover ($8.00 per hr.)
44. Who pays for My Nursing License?
As an independent contractor, you are responsible for your license cost. Remember, this too can offset tax liability. You are self-employed, an Independent Contractor
55. Who Will Pay for My Travel, Food and Lodging?
The contracting hospital/group in many cases is responsible for all round trip travel, food (per diem) and lodging. The details will be discussed with you prior to each assignment. Review your Itinerary prior to your assignment!
66. Will I Be Asked to Do Cases or Perform Skills That I am Not Qualified to Do?
Absolutely Not. This will not happen at ProMed Assistance Group. We are patient advocates and understand the importance of each of your patients to you! You will be fully informed of position requirements.
77. Do Assignments Ever Get Cancelled?
Yes, but…We work very hard to keep this from occurring.
88. Who Pays Me?
You will go to each job assignment with billing forms that you will fill out and have signed by a hospital or group representative. Payments for most assignments will be advanced by ProMed Assistance Group. Rarely the hospital/group will compensate you. The responsible party will be listed on your Itinerary.
99. What Kind of Records Must I Keep?
As an independent contractor, any expenses that you incur, related to work, are important records. Keep receipts, travel log and any records suggested by your accountant. We suggest having an accountant that understands your type work as an Independent Contractor.
1010. How Do I Handle My Taxes and Social Security?
You will need to contact an accountant.
1111. What If the Lodging Accommodations Are Not Acceptable?
We work very hard to catch any problems before they arise and address the problems or concerns. If you have any questions or concerns about lodging please call ProMed Assistance Group and we will work diligently to alleviate issues.
1212. Am I An Employee of ProMed Assistance Group?
Again, you are an independent contractor, with all the benefits of an independent contractor. No, you are not an employee of ProMed Assistance Group.

You are in a good hands....